Patient Information
Patient Rights and Responsibilities
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receive quality health care.
obtain a copy of this patient rights and responsibilities policy.
considerate and respectful care from all personnel of the IEI.
confidentiality and privacy concerning medical care, communications, records, and related information, as provided by law and consistent with the needs of the involved providers to share information and monitor the quality of care; exceptions may include suspected abuse, public health hazards and other instances when reporting is permitted or required by law.
be fully informed of any experimental, research or educational programs that may be used in treatment, and to allow or refuse any such programs at any time without penalty.
receive a prompt, considerate response to any question, complaint or request for service that is within the IEI’s ability, purpose and duty to deliver.
present a compliment or complaint to the IEI and receive a response about any aspect of the patient’s care or treatment; presentation of a complaint will not compromise the patient’s access to care or the quality of future service.
be informed of the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in easily understood language; make decisions about the patient’s plan of care, including the refusal of the treatment, and be informed of the consequences of these decisions.
an explanation about fees and payment plans, regardless of the source of payment.
have a person of the patient’s choice help make decisions about the patient’s care, with the understanding that the IEI will honor this choice to the extent allowed by law.
know the name and professional status of the persons providing care and know if the IEI has relationships with outside parties that could influence treatment and care of the patient; these relationships may be with educational institutions, other health care providers or insurers.
expect the Illinois Eye Institute to be a safe environment.
have access to an eye doctor on call 24 hours a day.
review the records pertaining to the patient’s eye care at the IEI, and to have the information explained or interpreted as necessary, except when restricted by law.
expect reasonable continuity of care.
receive information about procedures, treatment, risks and alternatives before giving consent for diagnosis or treatment.
participate actively in their health care and ask questions of health care providers and staff when an examination technique, diagnosis or prescribed treatment is not understood.
provide their health care provider with accurate information about medical history.
keep appointment times and if not possible to do so, cancel appointments at least 24 hours in advance.
satisfy the financial obligations to the IEI promptly; this responsibility includes asking questions concerning financial obligations, providing information necessary for insurance processing and arranging for payment plans.
follow the treatment plan prescribed and promptly notify the health care provider of any changes in health status.
be considerate and respectful of other patients and IEI personnel, and see that companions during visits are considerate as well.
observe IEI policies and the rights of its personnel and other patients.
Patients can also view the IEI’s notice of privacy practices, in accordance with HIPAA regulations.